Posts tagged Cambodian Temples
Cambodia: Lean into the discomfort and become spellbound by the majestic temples, delectable cuisine and whole hearted locals

At times, Cambodia will likely make you uncomfortable. You will weep at the killing fields where thousands were starved, tortured and killed during the regime of Pol Pot and profusely sweat under the hot Khmer sun. You will hear heartbreaking stories framed in the context of before and after the Khmer Rouge and watch on helplessly as men and women disfigured by the millions of undetonated landmines struggle to go about their lives. Persevere.

You will also be gobsmacked by the creativity and ingenuity of an ancient civilisation and the relics they left behind, awestruck by the amber, violet and baby pink hues of the sun setting behind lush jungle terrain and the silhouettes of lanky, gangly coconut palms in the distance. You will be delighted by the fresh and lively flavours of classic Khmer cuisine and inspired by countless NGO’S and social enterprise projects that are transforming lives.

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